How to Play Treehouse
Designed by Andy Looney
Number of Players: 2 - 4 (or more with more pyramids)
Equipment: one Rainbow Stash, Treehouse die
Setup: Each player gets three pyramids: a Small, a Medium and a Large. This is called a Trio. Stack your pieces in the “Tree” formation:
Place one trio in the center of the table. This set is called the House. The House pieces begin in this arrangement:
Who Starts: The player holding the die goes first!
How to Play: On your turn, roll the die, then alter the arrangment of your trio of pyramids using the type of action indicated by your roll.
If you can use the action on your trio, you must.
If you cannot do it to your own pieces, you may do the action to the House, or pass.
If you cannot use the action in either place, then you roll again.
Arranging Your Trio: Stacked pieces are always kept upright. Lying down pieces can never be nested.
Keep your trio arranged in a line parallel to the House. If your line isn’t parallel, it will be confusing, as shown. Pieces may be moved apart to make room for a piece to go in between them during a Hop or Dig. Close up the gaps in the line when your turn ends.
Turn Options: Here are how the six actions work:
Goal: You win if you can rearrange your pyramids, or the House, so that your pieces and the House pieces match each other exactly.
Ties: If more than one player matches the House at once, the player who caused the win is the winner. If one causes multiple others to win without winning themselves, it’s just a tie.