Star Trek: Voyager Fluxx
Journey home from the Delta Quadrant aboard the Starship Voyager! The fourth Fluxx-style excursion into the Star Trek universe features Captain Janeway and her crew along with plenty of their enemies: The Kazon, Species 8472, and, of course, the Borg. You will also find several Timeships, the Holographic Doctor’s mobile emitter, and Janeway from the Future. The usual ever-changing rules of Fluxx apply, with a few new twists like the Caretaker and Ancestor’s Eve.
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Game Play
It all begins with one basic rule: Draw one card, play one card. You start with a hand of three cards, add the card you drew to your hand, and then choose one card to play, following the directions written on your chosen card. As cards are drawn and played from the deck, the rules of the game change from how many cards are drawn, played, or even how many cards you can hold at the end of your turn.
Add some Enterprise flavor to your collection of Star Trek Fluxx decks!
Archer Expansion: The first of two Enterprise-themed expansion packs focuses on Captain Archer and the Temporal Cold War, and also includes Daniels, a Temporal Rift, and the Xindi. The set also contains a new Meta Rule called Combined Decks, designed specifically for optimizing gameplay with more than one Fluxx deck. The Archer Expansion pack works with any of the 4 standalone Star Trek Fluxxes, but for maximum fun, shuffle these cards together with as many of the Trek Fluxxes as you have!
Contains 16 cards.
Archer Expansion Card List:
- Meta Rule: Combined Decks
- Keepers: Jonathan Archer; Daniels; Atavachron
- Creepers: The Xindi; Temporal Rift
- Goals: Blink of an Eye; These Are the Voyages; The Temporal Cold War;
Cause & Effect; Founding the Federation; The Captain's Table; In a Mirror, Darkly;
Faith of the Heart; Carpenter Street - Surprise: Department of Temporal Investigations
Porthos Expansion: The second of two Enterprise-themed expansion packs is on the light-hearted side, and is named for Porthos, Captain Archer’s dog. Porthos is joined by his crewmate Dr. Phlox, his fellow space pet Spot, a famous Klingon, Kor, and a bottle of Romulan Ale. Also includes a new Action and a New Rule! The Porthos Expansion pack works with any of the 4 standalone Star Trek Fluxxes, but for maximum fun, shuffle these cards together with as many of the Trek Fluxxes as you have!
Contains 16 cards.
Porthos Expansion Card List:
- Keepers: Romulan Ale; Kor; Spot; Porthos; Dr. Phlox
- Goals: Blood Oath; That's Logical; Errand of Mercy; Barkeep's Finest;
No Cheese!; Former Borg; Star Pets;
Ode to Spot; Starfleet Medical - New Rule: On Main Viewer
- Action: Away Mission