Fairy Tale Fluxx and Mary Engelbreit Loonacy
both went on sale on Sept 6th 2018!
After the annoucement almost exactly six months ago of our partnership with Mary Engelbreit, Looney Labs is proud to present Fairy Tale Fluxx and Mary Engelbreit Loonacy!
Fairy Tale Fluxx brings the zaniness of the card game of ever-changing rules to the land of happily ever after. Gather Keepers to fit the current fairy tale Goal and you win; but look out for the Witch and the Wolf! This version of Fluxx is a wish come true!
Mary's artwork also now brightens the cards of our latest version of Loonacy! This version features some of Mary Engelbreit's most beloved works in a fast-paced matching game that's fun for all ages.
Whether you are a parent sharing your favorite childhood stories with your children, a teacher teaching your student about recurrent themes in fairy tales, or friends with an appreciation for gorgeous and vibrant artwork, don't miss out on these new games! When Mary Engelbreit and Looney Labs join forces, the result is truly magical!
Don't forget to contact your favorite Local Game Store to order your copies, and if you are a retailer, more information can be found here.
© Mary Engelbreit Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. www.maryengelbreit.com