Our Holiday Gift for 2019 is a brand-new print-and-play game for two players:
You also need a special gameboard and 5 game pieces. You can play with easily found household objects or, if you own Pyramid Arcade, you can use 5 pyramids. We’ve made the rules available in two different formats, depending on what kind of game pieces you choose to use!

SYNOPSIS: You and your best friend are exploring
a haunted house on Halloween. Suddenly, a ghost
pops up and you both drop your trick-or-treat bags,
scattering your precious candies all around you.
The first player to finish picking up their candy
wins — but be sure to watch out for ghosts!
- 2 avatar pieces; 1 per player (small tokens,
pieces from other games, etc).
- 3 ghost pieces, which can fit over the candy
pieces. A great way to make these is by pulling
the detachable rings off of soda bottles.
- 16 small pieces of candy.
- The Closest Ghost rulesheet (link to the
downloadable PDF).
- 2 game boards (link to the downloadable PDF).
We recommend printing it on cardstock.

And for our fantastic Looney Pyramids fanatics, you can play
The Closest Ghost with components of Pyramid Arcade!
Instead, you will need...
- The Closest Ghost rulesheet for PA (link to downloadable PDF).
- 2 Looney Ludo game boards from Pyramid Arcade, or a pair of
Martian Coasters.
- 2 small pyramids that represent your avatar; 1 per player.
- 3 large, clear pyramids that represent the 3 ghosts.
- 16 small pieces of candy.
- Optional: A Pyramid Arcade-style card for The Closest Ghost,
printed on demand by The Game Crafter.
Read Andy's blog for more information on the development of
The Closest Ghost!
Happy Holidays from everyone here at Looney Labs!