Words: 200 cards
A (10 cards)
- Abnormal
- Absolute
- Accident
- Aftertaste
- Aggressive
- Agony
- Agree
- Astonish
- Atom
- Attack
B (14 cards)
- Banana
- Bashful
- Believe
- Bewilder
- Bitter
- Bizarre
- Blubber
- Boring
- Boy
- Brain
- Brown
- Bubble
- Buffoon
- Burn
C (15 cards)
- Careful
- Casual
- Cheerful
- Chip
- Chocolate
- Clown
- Comic
- Computer
- Connect
- Cook
- Cosmic
- Crazy
- Critic
- Crunch
- Cuddle
D (19 cards)
- Damage
- Defense
- Defy
- Delicious
- Desire
- Despair
- Despise
- Devastate
- Different
- Dinosaur
- Distraction
- Drain
- Draw
- Dream
- Drink
- Drive
- Drum
- Dude
- Dungeon
E (6 cards)
- Eat
- Empty
- Endless
- Enormous
- Explode
- Eyeball
F (15 cards)
- Fever
- Fierce
- Find
- Flimsy
- Flower
- Fog
- Fool
- Forbid
- Force
- Free
- Fresh
- Fright
- Frustrate
- Fur
- Fuzz
G (9 cards)
- Game
- Gibberish
- Girl
- Gold
- Gorgeous
- Grab
- Grace
- Grandma
- Greed
H (9 cards)
- Hair
- Hammer
- Handcuff
- Happy
- Haste
- Hate
- Heartless
- Hippie
- Horrible
I, K, L (13 cards)
- Imagine
- Impatient
- Impolite
- Incredible
- Insult
- Invisible
- Keep
- Kitten
- Looney
- Lose
- Love
- Lukewarm
- Lurk
M,N (13 cards)
- Massive
- Moist
- Money
- Monkey
- Monster
- Mud
- Mystery
- Need
- Negate
- Nice
- Noise
- Nose
- Nut

O, P (14 cards)
- Open
- Orange
- Organize
- Outrage
- Overwhelm
- Pain
- Pick
- Pickle
- Pierce
- Pizza
- Play
- Poison
- Positive
- Puppy
R, Q (8 cards)
- Question
- Quick
- Reckless
- Record
- Refresh
- Reluctant
- Revolt
- Romance
S (26 cards)
- Sandwich
- Save
- Scare
- Shenanigan
- Shock
- Short
- Shrubbery
- Sick
- Silly
- Sleep
- Slob
- Sloppy
- Small
- Sock
- Squish
- Starship
- Steal
- Stick
- Stink
- Stomach
- Strike
- Stroke
- Stupid
- Suburb
- Sweat
- Sweet
T (13 cards)
- Tall
- Taste
- Tattoo
- Teach
- Terminate
- Think
- Threat
- Throw
- Toast
- Torpedo
- Toxic
- Trap
- Travel
U, W, Z (12 cards)
- Ugly
- Urgent
- Useless
- Waste
- Weird
- Wicked
- Wizard
- Work
- Worry
- Write
- Zany
- Zoo
Blank (4 cards)
Sentence cards: 42
- [adjective] [plural noun] cost…
- A journey of a thousand [plural noun]…
- A/an [noun] a day…
- A/an [noun] is only as [adjective]…
- Ahoy, [noun]! Welcome aboard…
- All around the [adjective] [noun]…
- Don’t count your [plural noun]…
- Don’t make a/an [noun] out of…
- Don’t [verb] all your [plural noun]…
- Don’t [verb] any [adjective]…
- Early to bed and early to rise…
- Eat, [verb], and be [adjective]…
- Every [noun] has a/an [adjective]…
- Give a man a/an [noun]…
- Goodbye, and thanks for all the…
- He who [verb]s last…
- Home is where you [verb] your…
- I hope you have a/an [adjective] trip…
- I’d [verb] that for a/an [noun]!
- If you can’t be [adjective], be…
- If your only tool is a/an [noun]…
- It was an [adjective] and [adjective] night…
- It was an [adjective] mistake…
- Life isn’t just [adjective] days and…
- Never [verb] a/an [noun]…
- Once upon a/an [noun]…
- Once you [verb] [adverb]…
- Our mission is to go forth [adverb]…
- [plural noun] may make the world…
- Remember, the [adjective] [noun]…
- Roses are [adjective]…
- She’s [adverb] fond of pink…
- Slow and [adjective] wins the…
- So [adjective] and yet so…
- Speak [adverb] and [verb] a…
- That’s one [adjective] step for…
- There is more than one way to…
- Three [adjective] [plural noun]…
- 'Tis better to have [verb]ed and [verb]ed…
- [verb] and the world [same first verb]s…
- [verb] like a/an [noun], but…
- You’re never too [adjective] to…
This makes a total of 242 cards in the box. A rulesheet is also included.