Keepers (13 cards)
- The Cat
- The Dog
- The Mouse
- The House
- The Tree
- The Playground
- The Gift
- The Stick
- The Ball
- Cake
- Ice Cream
- Cheese
- Rain
New Rules (12 cards)
- Draw 2
- Draw 3
- Play 2
- Play 3
- Play All
- Hand Limit 1
- Hand Limit 2
- Keeper Limit 3
- Keeper Limit 4
- Child Bonus
- Parent Bonus
- Grandparent Bonus
Special Rules (1 card)
- Basic Rules
Actions (13 cards)
- Choose a New Rule
- Share the Wealth
- Jackpot!
- Pass 1 Left
- Pass 1 Right
- Draw 2 and use 'em
- Everybody gets 1
- Trash a Keeper
- Exchange Keepers
- Steal a Keeper
- Trade Hands
- Use what you take
- Rules Reset

Goals (17 cards)
- Playing Indoors (House + Rain)
- Playing Outdoors (Playground + NO Rain)
- Stick Ball (Stick + Ball)
- Any 2 Animals (Any 2 of Cat, Dog, Mouse)
- Ice Cream Cake (Ice Cream + Cake)
- Recess (Playground + Ball)
- Tree-house (Tree + House)
- Mouse in the House (Mouse + House)
- Walk the Dog (Dog + Tree)
- The Cheese Stands Alone (Cheese and nothing else)
- Fetch! (Dog + Stick)
- Mice Love Cheese (Mouse + Cheese)
- House Cat (House + Cat)
- Cheesecake (Cheese + Cake)
- Happy Birthday (Gift + Cake)
- Ice Cream on a Stick (Ice Cream + Stick)
- Free Ice Cream! (Gift + Ice Cream)
This makes a total of 56 cards in the box. A rulesheet is also included.
Expansion cards
Promo Cards (2 cards)
- Summer Vacation (Goal: Ball + Tree + Playground)
- Xmas Tree (Goal: Gift + Tree)